Privacy and Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the information regarding AEJewel Pro collects information you provide, such as when you sign up for your AEJewel Pro account, when you provide information as part of our identity verification process, in the course of a transaction, or when you create a customer or supplier to enter their inwards or outwards. We may collect, but are not limited to collecting, the following: basic user information, such as your name, email address, business address, phone number, City and State Information. Please read all the terms and conditions mentioned in the app, before you signup and proceed ONLY if you are completely agree to all of them.

AEd-it Software and AEJewel Pro Are Not Responsible

AEJewel Pro does not capture or share your data without your consent. While signup and creating new contact, app will ask mobile number and/or email address and while trying to make your work easy, it may access to your phone book. All your data store in a cloud database. So you will never lose your data, even when you lose your mobile or tablet. There is an option to save your password and secure your password with device specific PIN. However, if you will fail to secure both or either of these, AEJewel Pro and AEd-it Software will Not Responsible for your data.

The email address you share with us may be used to send some important updates and/or service information to you from AEJewel Pro. Your mobile number can also be used for the same as well as you can send SMS to your clients with your consent. While sharing account details with your client via SMS, standard rate from your mobile service provider will apply. Although we respect and honor your privacy preferences, AEd-it Software shall maintain the rights to contact You when it is required to make You aware of changes, that may impact Your ability to use AEJewel Pro App.

AEd-it Software shall have no liability for any errors, malfunctions and /or Loss of data or defects resulting from or related to the use of the information in the systems used for providing services here. AEd-it Software shall not be liable to you for loss of data arising from or related to the services provided.

If you lost any datas of Product, Sales, Customer and Other Information, we are not responsible.

For More Information, Please Visit us at AEd-it Software